この素晴らしい世界に祝福を! 3 [Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo… (2024)


461 reviews1 follower

May 8, 2024

この素晴らしい世界に祝福を! 3 [Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo… (2)
"Konosuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World! Manga, Vol. 3": Hilarious Chaos Ensues
この素晴らしい世界に祝福を! 3 [Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo… (3)

In the uproarious third volume of the Konosuba manga series, fans are treated to another dose of comedic brilliance and fantastical mayhem. Author Natsume Akatsuki and illustrator Masahito Watari continue to deliver laughs aplenty as they follow the misadventures of the lovably dysfunctional party from Axel.

この素晴らしい世界に祝福を! 3 [Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo… (4)
Prepare for side-splitting laughter and unpredictable antics as Kazuma, Aqua, Megumin, and Darkness stumble their way through yet another series of absurd escapades.

この素晴らしい世界に祝福を! 3 [Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo… (5)

From battling bizarre monsters to navigating the pitfalls of everyday life in a fantasy world, our unlikely heroes find themselves in one outrageous situation after another. Whether it's Aqua's comically inept attempts at divine magic or Kazuma's schemes gone hilariously awry, each chapter is packed with memorable moments and clever humor.

この素晴らしい世界に祝福を! 3 [Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo… (6)

この素晴らしい世界に祝福を! 3 [Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo… (7)

Watari's dynamic artwork brings the zany world of Konosuba to life with vibrant energy and expressive characters. Every panel bursts with personality, capturing the essence of the series' irreverent charm.

この素晴らしい世界に祝福を! 3 [Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo… (8)
Whether you're a longtime fan or new to the series, Konosuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World! Manga, Vol. 3 is a must-read for anyone craving laughter, adventure, and a touch of fantasy madness.
この素晴らしい世界に祝福を! 3 [Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo… (9)["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>


2,124 reviews18 followers

January 19, 2022

Ce que j’aime avec ce manga c’est que malgré le côté répétitif de l’intrigue, ils font une quête la finissent en font une autre etc, on arrive quand même à avoir quelque chose de nouveau à chaque fois. On ne s’ennuie pas du tout. On a toujours un petit truc qui rend chaque quête bien différente. Et puis bon, notre groupe de bras cassé passent littéralement leur temps à se mettre dans des situations tout simplement pas possible! J’ai hâte de continuer ce manga et découvrir les nombreuses autres péripéties qu’ils vont rencontrer parce qu’une chose est sûre, ce sont les rois de la gaffe ces quatre là!

Dans ce troisième tome, Kazuma se voit accoster par un autre aventurier qui jalouse sa situation. Parce que bon, il est à la tête d’un groupe de 3 filles rien que pour lui, ça donne envie pour certains. C’est surtout que pour les autres, Kazuma a la vie de rêve. Ils échangent donc leurs places et là Kazuma profite de la vraie vie d’aventurier avec sa nouvelle équipe! Il s’adonne à des quêtes et se lance même seul dans l’exploration d’une grotte.. Le froid commence à bien se faire sentir mais par manque d’argent, ils se retrouvent à dormir dans une étable. C’est alors qu’on leur propose une quête pour éliminer des fantômes dans une grande demeure. Et si ils arrivent à accomplir cette tâche, ils pourront y rester un moment..

Sans surprises, tout comme les deux précédents tomes, j’ai beaucoup aimé ce troisième opus. On y retrouve tout ce qui fait son charme. L’humour très présent, autant par les situations improbables parfois que par la façon qu’ont les personnages à se chamailler. Enfin surtout Kazuma qui n’y va pas de main morte quand il doit en rabrouer une, principalement Aqua d’ailleurs. J’ai beaucoup aimé la scène avec les succubes, je ne m’y attendais pas du tout et cette scène m’a beaucoup fait rire. La pauvre Darkness haha. J’ai beaucoup aimé le passage dans la demeure avec les fantômes, c’était assez drôle de voir Kazuma paniquer comme ça.

Ce manga est une très belle découverte pour moi et une belle surprise également. J’avoue que je ne pensais pas du tout que j’allais autant apprécier cette histoire et pourtant. C’est drôle, c’est déjanté, c’est vraiment génial à lire. De plus, les personnages sont vraiment excellent et ils ont chacun ce petit truc qui les rend unique. J’adore suivre ce groupe, on ne s’ennuie pas le moins du monde avec eux ça c’est sûr!

Jam Hosting Reviews

66 reviews

June 21, 2022

**Konosuba 3: or spinning their wheels** I feel like three volumes in that the series is starting to run low on ideas for actually advancing the characters and the overall concept of what’s going on with the conflict. In this one we have basically a wife swap scenario where team members switch places. Our MC is actually respected and celebrated for his odd mix of talents while the one who took his place is crying. That’s a pretty entertaining segment. After that though we revisit stuff with Wiz, the lich girl that Aqua is antagonistic towards. The storyline where the main character wants a succubus dream and accidentally wanders into an embarrassing scenario was a little bit uncomfortable and I really didn’t need to see explosion girl needing to pee. The only storyline in the set that’s actually pretty interesting is the one where they buy a trinket which will send them temporarily back to Japan. The problem is they won’t retain their memory of it so all it truly accomplishes is the main character is able to clear his computer of any embarrassing material, basically clearing his browser history. The ending suggestion of a giant spider thing which got lost from the wild wild west movie is alright but this was a lackluster volume on the whole. Three back scrubs by boobs out of five.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Christian Romero

56 reviews1 follower

November 5, 2019

The hilarity continues

Konosuba Volume of the manga continues adapting the light novel with the adaptation doing just enough things differently to make it stand out from its anime adaptation. With the stand out chapter here being the never before seen return to Japan which was hilarious seeing the party react to Kazuma’s place of origin. With Kazuma’s mission to wipe his hard drive before anyone see’s what horror he had store. The art is also very well done with this chibi like style that has inspiration from chibi but not fully smol. Great, volume the peak adaptation being faithful while doing its own thing. Konosuba? More like Kinosuba.

Scott Belisle

113 reviews2 followers

May 1, 2020

I don't have a lot to say about this one. Not my favorite episodes out of season two, and the light novel version isn't much better. kind of incredible how much I like the Anime, and how my response to these light novels is a resounding meh. certain kinds of humor just work better in different mediums, I suppose.


2,929 reviews4 followers

October 21, 2018

This volume was a fun read, it was fast paced and enjoyable. I really like the characters and over all plot, though it did not seem like they were making much progress to the end goal in this volume. I look forward to finishing through volume 5 tomorrow.



1,010 reviews6 followers

September 29, 2020

J'ai moins aimé ce tome comparé aux deux tomes précédents. Les quêtes étaient un peu moins captivantes, le fanservice était agaçant. J'espère que le prochain tome sera un peu plus prenant que celui-ci.

    manga read-in-2020

Brendon Jackson

3 reviews

February 5, 2019

A tiny bit on the inappropriate side. Close to the end, there a bit of "inappropriate"ness.
But it was still a good book anyway

Sergiu Dana

15 reviews1 follower

May 21, 2019

I`ll describe by using only one word "Lalatina !!"

Michael Bryan

16 reviews1 follower

October 3, 2019

Hilarious and spot on. This book made my day better. Canf wait to read the next one!


Aaron Paul

1 review

February 23, 2021



Sophie Crane

4,783 reviews170 followers

October 29, 2023

This is a Great series for spoof Isekai. The best of the worst type of characters make for high comedic value.



2,196 reviews14 followers

January 22, 2024

Another great read! I really need to grab the rest of the series as soon as I can!

David Doel

1,927 reviews4 followers

April 24, 2024

Not awful, but also nothing to write home about. Pretty girls and humor in a medieval setting.

Thais Lima

65 reviews

January 21, 2022

4° livro da MLV 2022
*Sem missão


1 review

July 15, 2024

I get a bit heated in this review but this is my opinion and if you disagree then i respect it. Like what you like 👍

I spent my precious time and energy on 3 volumes of this abominable Manga, and all I got in return was one of the most annoying characters of all time, the weirdest fanservice character who's whole personality is based off of a porn genre, a semi-likeable character that people simp WAY too much for because they look like a literal child, and a main character that makes an angel weep with every word uttered from his mouth. I physically could not keep reading after the third book, and I don't think that the anime is any better. The anime made me want to punch my screen. "Bu-bu-but the series acknowledges how bad the characters are, and that makes it funny!!!" This is the most unfunniest collection of media I have ever consumed in my entire life. I didn't laugh, nor giggle. I didn't even crack a smile. I know that there are some characters are supposed to make you mad in a series(aqua or water bitch does a great job at this btw) but like if it's DAMN NEAR THE ENTIRE CAST THEN WHY WOULD I WANNA WATCH IT. This is actually one of my least favorite anime series of all time and I don't see the hype for it. You can like it, I'll respect you, but just know I'm looking at you a bit different if you say your fav character is darkness 💀💀


1,668 reviews34 followers

March 12, 2023

4 1/2 stars



434 reviews3 followers

July 27, 2017

All of these characters are great together.

この素晴らしい世界に祝福を! 3 [Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo… (2024)
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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.